NW NEVAEH is the only straight Egyptian daughter of her National Champion producing dam. She has an excellent show record at the U.S. Egyptian Event, where she has five Top Ten titles in open and amateur halter. Her full brother, NW AL IKSEER, has six halter titles at the U.S. Egyptian Event. Both her sire and dam have produced National winners.
NW NEVAEH is by Canadian Top Ten Stallion THE ELIXIR, sire of U.S. Top Ten Gelding AOTH and Scottsdale Champion Sport Horse Under Saddle ENKIL X and U.S. Top Ten Mare AOTH, twice Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Mare and European Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Mare MC ALEXSIS. His National winner producers include multi-halter champion ALIXIR, sire of twice U.S. National Champion Sport Horse Stallion In Hand and multiple Top Ten Hunt Pleasure THE BANDERA+++/, and XTREME WONDER, dam of World Champion Stallion ROYAL COLOURS. THE ELIXIR has also been a Leading Sire at the U.S. Egyptian Event . He traces in sire line to the superb U.S. Top Ten Stallion *EL MAREEKH and also has a line to the leading Egyptian sire of National winners EL HILAL. His tail female line has produced Italian Junior Champion Filly IMMIA, Venezuelan Junior Champion Colt IMADEUS, Venezuelan National Champion Mare IMTASHA, and Nations Cup Champion Mare, Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Mare and World and Brazilian Top Ten Mare BSA ALIYA, U.S. Top Ten Stallion and National Champion sire *TALAL and *ANSATA BINT ZAAFARANA, dam of 2 National winners in halter.
NW NEVAEH is out of National Champion producer SAY HALLELUYAH, all of whose registered foals are successful show horses. SAY HALLELUYAH's first two offspring are both National winners: Canadian Top Ten Gelding and Sport Horse Dressage Type Gelding and regional hunt pleasure champion BASKS GRAND MINSTRIL and Canadian Reserve National Champion Sport Horse Dressage Type Mare and Top Ten Sport Horse Under Saddle BASK MINSTRILS DOLL, who has 4 National titles and is also a regional hunt pleasure champion. SAY HALLELUYAH is a daughter of U.S. Top Ten Stallikon AOTH and National winner sire SAY AMEN. SAY AMEN is a 3/4 brother to U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion THEE DESPERADO, the all time leading Egyptian sire of champions. SAY HALLELUJAH is out of a daughter of U.S. and Canadian Top Ten Stallion, Canadian Top Ten Country Pleasure and World and National Champion sire *ORASHAN. *ORASHAN is also the maternal grandsire of twice World Reserve Champion Stallion IMPERIAL BAAREZ. In tail female NW NEVAEH traces to U.S. Top Ten Mare *FAWKIA. What a heritage she has!