Hinneh Yishay AD
(Thee Revolution x NW Nevaeh)
2020 Grey Colt
Excellent temperament, will be tall. May carry W19 gene.
See his photos below!

HINNEH YISHAY AD is a straight Egyptian colt with an outstanding heritage. He has three lines to U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion RUMINAJA ALI, whose sire line includes his grandsire, U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion THEE DESPERADO+ (the all time leading Egyptian sire of champions), U.S. National Champion Stallion ALI JAMAAL. and World Champion Stallions *GAZAL AL SHAQAB and *MARWAN AL SHAQAB.
HINNEH YISHAY AD is a son of THEE REVOLTION, who won Most Classic Head at the U.S. Egyptian Event twice and was also second twice in his World Stallion Class at the show. He was not used at stud for a number of years but is the sire of three times U.S. Egyptian Event Top Ten Halter LAJURA BINT. THEE REVOLUTION is a paternal brother to National Champions in halter and jumper in North America, to World Champion Stallion BJ THEE MUSTAFA, and to multiple Israeli National Champion Mare THEE VISION HG, the only straight Egyptian mare to produce 2 World Champion Stallions. THEE REVOLUTION is out of U.S. and Canadian Top Ten Mare BINT ZAARINA, a paternal sister to U.S. National Champion Stallion ALI JAMAAL, to World Champion Stallion FOCUS KHEMALI and to the dam of World Champion Stallion *AL ADEED AL SHAQAB. BINT ZAARINA's dam GLORIETA ZAARINA is a paternal sister to U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly and National winner producer GLORIETA MAARQESA.
HINNEH YISHAY AD is out of five times U.S. Egyptian Event Top Ten Halter NW NEVAEH. Her full brother, NW AL-IKSEER, has six halter titles at the U.S. Egyptian Event. Both her sire and dam have produced National winners. NW NEVAEH is by Canadian Top Ten Stallion THE ELIXIR, sire of U.S. Top Ten Gelding AOTH and Scottsdale Champion Sport Horse Under Saddle ENKIL X and U.S. Top Ten Mare AOTH, twice Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Mare and European Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Mare MC ALEXSIS. NW NEVAEH is also a paternal sister to ALIXIR (sire of twice U.S. National Champion Sport Horse Stallion In Hand and multiple Top Ten Hunt Pleasure THE BANDERA+++/) and to XTREME WONDER, dam of World Champion Stallion ROYAL COLOURS.NW NEVAEH is a maternal sister to Canadian Top Ten Gelding and Sport Horse Dressage Type Gelding and regional hunt pleasure champion BASKS GRAND MINSTRIL and Canadian Reserve National Champion Sport Horse Dressage Type Mare and Top Ten Sport Horse Under Saddle BASK MINSTRILS DOLL. NW NEVAEH's dam SAY HALLELUYAH is a daughter of U.S. Top Ten Stallion AOTH and National winner sire SAY AMEN, a 3/4 brother to U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion THEE DESPERADO+. SAY HALLELUYAH is out of a daughter of U.S. and Canadian Top Ten Stallion, Canadian Top Ten Country Pleasure and World and National Champion sire *ORASHAN. *ORASHAN is also the maternal grandsire of twice World Reserve Champion Stallion IMPERIAL BAAREZ.
With such a heritage, HINNEH YISHAY AD's future is most promising!